Small Business Services

Aligning Your Personal Goals with Your Successful Business

Business owners face unique challenges due to having their personal and business finances tied together. But this should not stand in the way of having a successful strategy for personal wealth building.

We Understand Your Dreams

Are you growing your business to sell it, transfer it to a family member, or some other exit strategy? We advise you on how to allocate the proceeds from your business taking into consideration short-term and long-term financial goals. This will be critical, especially if preparing for a liquidity event.

If you’re like most business owners, you simply don’t have the time to evaluate every issue. That’s why we specialize in financial planning for business owners like you. We are here to guide you and help ensure that you, your business and your family are ready for your financial future.

Our experts offer guidance on strategies to preserve and grow the wealth generated from your business.

  • Investment Management
  • Financial Planning
  • Protection and Insurance Planning
  • Retirement Planning
  • Education Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Next Generation Wealth Planning

Let us focus on you while you focus on your business.

We provide a complimentary assessment of your personal financial situation as part of our process. This can lay the foundation for a customized a plan to optimize your personal goals. Whether it’s retirement, starting a new venture, or simply cashing out, clarity on these goals will help guide our efforts.

To learn more about our specialized services and schedule an assessment, please contact:
Brandon Pacilio, President at 203-429-0406 or

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